Friday, 1 June 2007


Fucking Brilliant... i love it mate... but i do not feel jealous in the SLIGHTEST! haha its nice to have someone else to do these things so i can hear about them, rather than actually doing them. it makes me happy. it really does.

sounds like fun mate, more your kind of fun than mine but its fucking priceless none the less.

haha what you rekon then... DBZ and Monkeyball... apart from zelda is there ANYTHING else i MUST have on the wii?

If it comes on Monday then your coming round and by GOD were going to get bored of it in 2 HOURS! haha but it will be the best 2 hours EVER... infact i think you should buy us millies... i really do... its that important... OR that steak... you damn gypsy you buy me that steak!

you dont have any money do you? spent it all on dvds didnt you? WELL!... what dvds did you get and more importantly can i have MY dvds back :D

oh and i think we should sell our girlfriends for camels... do you KNOW how many camels we could get if we went to Egypt?... i duno the idea of owning loads of camels is apealing to me as all.

... haha *ahem*

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