Friday, 18 May 2007

haha, YEAH it's cool. I'm looking forward to seeing captain america being accidently stepped on and crushed by optimus.

Youuuuu bugger, since when do women have an OPTION?! MAKE her follow you to where you want to;I'm not really going anywhere before hand man, i mean, i'm probably going to hit the horseshoe before heading into town, but that'll probably only be for one drink or something. Like most of the bars i'm gonna be hitting are on Parkstreet init.. It's not really "town".. but it's alllll good, you bloody CHOOSE seeing Jen over me... I know where I stand... *clicks fingers* it's not like i've cried for a week whilst you were away... just.... dont you DARE come crawling back to ME when you want a LIFT to the toys "r" us in cardiff. Hahaha.

You're missing out on our best years of drinking and... and... it jsut makes me so angry! *dramatic exit*

Cool man, well... in all seriousness, if you change your mind just gimme a bell init, like i said, it wont be heavy or anything so join if/when you like... and if not, fuck it! haha.

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